[Visualpython-users] Pygeo
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Some of you may remember Pygeo, the project started by the late Arthur Siegel
and orphaned after his untimely passing. A guy in Spain, Francisco Gracia, is
taking a stab at updating the project, and I'm attempting to help. He put together
an alpha version of his first effort, and he's sent me a copy. In order for me to
even try to look at it properly, I'll need to have the same environment on my
computer that he used to construct his upgrade.

Here's where it gets interesting. He emailed me these specs: Python 3.3.2,
Numpy 1.7.1, and visual 5.72. Needless to say, this doesn't exactly match what's
currently available for download. The closest thing I've found is Python 3.3 with
VPython 5.74. I don't have the foggiest about the Numpy version involved.
If that's the best I can get, I could certainly give it a whirl; however, given the
shakiness of the whole situation, I'd definitely rather not bring in even small
incompatibilitiesif I can help it.

I encourage any ideas, comments, suggestions, info, &c that anyone wants to
toss in. If somebody desires to join the Pygeo effort, I'll certainly welcome it--
especially if you're better qualified, which I'm sure many of you would be.
Maybe a class project for ambitious students?

If you'd like to contact Francisco Gracia directly, here's his address:


Thanks in advance for help.

